Minor expansion device : BATTLE BOX

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Minor expansion device : BATTLE BOX
by on (#7608)

対応ソフトが「バトルスタジアム」と「アルマジロ」だけなので、わざわざ手間をかけて対応させる意味もあまり無いけどね 。8)

"BATTLE BOX" is an external storage unit for the save data.
The emulator that corresponds to this is none at all.
There is not so much meaning to make it correspond spending time because the correspondence software is only "Battle stadium" and "Armadillo" either. 8)

by on (#7612)
What kind of save data does it backup? Battery backed SRAM data, or real-time save data?

by on (#7614)
Jagasian wrote:
What kind of save data does it backup? Battery backed SRAM data, or real-time save data?

(Translation) (以上の翻訳)

バトルボックスの中にどんなセーブデータがあるか? SRAM(ファイナルファンタシーのよう)、それともリアルタイム(エミュレータセーブのよう)?

by on (#7635)
http://www.retoge.com/famicom/fc-pic/ba ... box-hs.gif

「アルマジロ」はカセットにバッテリーバックアップ機能がないので「バトルボックス」が無いとデータセーブ自体が出来ない!! :shock:

"BATTLE BOX" saves SRAM data.
A battery and an external power supply are unnecessary though it looks like the "TURBO FILE".
It was sold to "BATTLE BOX" to attach to "Battle stadium" ,too.

It was possible to fight by my data and friend's data using this together with the battery backup in "Battle stadium".
Because "Armadillo" doesn't provide the battery backup function in the cassette, "BATTLE BOX" is indispensable to save data!! :shock:
PCB Photo of Battle Box
by on (#14228)
PCB Photo of Battle Box was up-loaded. :D


TOSHIBA TC89102P x 2

http://www.semicon.toshiba.co.jp/docget ... =datasheet