I don't know if this the most translated version of yy-chr (.net v099), but i wonder what this dropdown listing says?
(Correct me if I am wrong) It's roughly:
Default display
Display in FC/NES x 8 arrangement
Display in FC/NES x 16 arrangement
Display in 16 x 32 arrangement
Display in 32 x 32 arrangement(A)
Display in 32 x 32 arrangement(B)
Display in 16 x 24 arrangement
Display in 32 x 48 arrangement
Display in vertical direction
Awesome! Thanks!

Translations in question are correct.
Also off-topic, and, I'm going off of memory, but I think that version of YY-CHR has a severe bug relating to tile offset value shown when panning around some CHR data (e.g. going past end or going back up to offset 0). Hard to explain, but very obvious when you see it. IIRC, the non-.NET version didn't have this problem, but lacked other features. Just some stuff to be aware of if/when you encounter it.
That's good to know! Reason i'm using the .net version is that the non-.net one doesn't seem to react on setting the language file to my language. I have eng, enu and sve presettable on my win10 computer, yet i can't get any of them matching with eng, enu or sve file extensions in accordance to the instructions shown here.
Is that a win10 thing? Did they change how things link up?
https://www.smwcentral.net/?p=viewthrea ... 28#setlang
No, I don't think it's a W10 thing. I think that's a result of missing translation/language files for the non-.NET version.
YY-CHR (non-.NET) was always in Japanese. Long ago, that prompted someone at some point to do a binary hack of the utility to hack the text into English. So somewhere on the Internet there's a very old YY-CHR version that's been hacked to have English in it. It's very very old, however.
This in turn (well, partially) prompted the .NET version to be made. That version has translation files and English text available in it. However, not all of the dialogs/text/etc. are translated. And there's the weird tile/offset bug I mentioned (which the non-.NET version doesn't have).
In short: YY-CHR has quirky behavioural oddities no matter which version you use. Pick your poison. Keeping both versions (.NET and non-.NET) around is what most romhackers did.
It's just another example of how user-friendly graphical tools for the NES (though YY-CHR is multi-platform) are in short supply. It's what prompted things like Tile Layer, Tile Layer Pro, Tile Molester, etc. (all of which had their own annoyances). Since then, people have made several CLI-based image converters, but to my knowledge nobody has actually done a worthwhile GUI editor. YY-CHR still seems to be The Main One people go to.
I could be wrong but this seems to be the official japanese site:
http://www.geocities.jp/yy_6502/and if you look at it, the last C++ version is offered in english too so this one doesn't seems to be a hack. The last C++ version is released in 2012 and the author said for the latest version to check the .net one.