絵描衛門 / Dezaemon PCB scan

This is an archive of a topic from NESdev BBS, taken in mid-October 2019 before a server upgrade.
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絵描衛門 / Dezaemon PCB scan
by on (#126031)
PCB class: Nintendo HVC-SXROM-01
U1 PRG-ROM: ATH-87-0 PRG, 0x20000 byte ROM, CRC32: 0xd1e50064
U2 CHR-RAM: LH5168FB-10L, 0x2000 byte RAM
U4 W-RAM: LH52A256-10LL, 0x8000 byte RAM (banked)

high resolution and other sides scan

nescartdb にはどうやって登録するの?
Re: 絵描衛門 / Dezaemon PCB scan
by on (#126033)
A third SXROM game ? Cool, I always tought there were only 2.

Does it use all 32k of SRAM ?
As far I know both Final Fantasy I & II and Best Play Pro Yakyuu Special used only 16k (both are multicard with 2 games on them I think, please tell me if I'm wrong).
Re: 絵描衛門 / Dezaemon PCB scan
by on (#126037)
このソフトでは4つのステージを作ることができる。4つのステージのデータは RAM の page 0,1,2,3 が Stage 1,2,3,4 になるというので、おそらくSRAM全てを使用している可能性が高い。


Re: 絵描衛門 / Dezaemon PCB scan
by on (#126039)
So basically as far as I can understand you, this game uses all 4 SRAM banks to allow the user to edit 4 different stages ? Sounds rather unique for a NES/FC game !

It seems current emus would emulate SNROM instead (with no SRAM banking) and crash on edit mode, as the emu refuses to switch RAM banks ?

I also see that the PRG-ROM is 28-pin so it means its size is 128kb or less, so they definitely used this board for SRAM banking solely.
Re: 絵描衛門 / Dezaemon PCB scan
by on (#126044)
naruko wrote:
nescartdb にはどうやって登録するの?


Naruko is asking how to register and submit to bootgod. I have never done that so I don't really know.
Re: 絵描衛門 / Dezaemon PCB scan
by on (#126049)
As far as I can remember you have to talk to Bootgod directly, there is no automatic process for registering. Send him a PM.
Re: 絵描衛門 / Dezaemon PCB scan
by on (#128312)
@naruko: I've documented the 32k SRAM in MESS. thanks a lot!
I'm not fully sure how to verify that the saving/loading on different banks work (I hate dezaemon editor :) ), but FF1+2 works fine in MESS so I would expect this to work too...