Hello Guys,
My TOP853 came a few weeks back... I also purchased some ST M27C512-15f ICs (maybe these are the problem?). Currently for practice I just have an nrom from othello donor, and I'm trying to put Bomb Sweeper (homebrew) on it. I downloaded the rom, used famirom to break it it into png and chrs, I selected 512 since that's the chip I'm working with, I put the the chip into the programmer, load the bin, and write to the chip. in order to test the chip I'm attempting to do this this: http://nintendoallstars.w.interia.pl/romlab/nesock.htm I throw it into my nes system and turn it on. Nothing happens but a gray screen. I Also want to note that I have the cover off the Nintendo so I can just plug the board in without the cart and I noticed a flash come from the little window on a few of the chips, afterwards I tried placing them into my eprom programmer and it did not see a chip, I take it these chips are dead? Thanks for any feedback you can provide.
My TOP853 came a few weeks back... I also purchased some ST M27C512-15f ICs (maybe these are the problem?). Currently for practice I just have an nrom from othello donor, and I'm trying to put Bomb Sweeper (homebrew) on it. I downloaded the rom, used famirom to break it it into png and chrs, I selected 512 since that's the chip I'm working with, I put the the chip into the programmer, load the bin, and write to the chip. in order to test the chip I'm attempting to do this this: http://nintendoallstars.w.interia.pl/romlab/nesock.htm I throw it into my nes system and turn it on. Nothing happens but a gray screen. I Also want to note that I have the cover off the Nintendo so I can just plug the board in without the cart and I noticed a flash come from the little window on a few of the chips, afterwards I tried placing them into my eprom programmer and it did not see a chip, I take it these chips are dead? Thanks for any feedback you can provide.