Are .bin files the same as PRG and CHR files??

This is an archive of a topic from NESdev BBS, taken in mid-October 2019 before a server upgrade.
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Are .bin files the same as PRG and CHR files??
by on (#86434)
Hey all, I've been referring to this site quite a bit lately on my journey to make some NES repro carts and I finally have to ask a question. I am new to the site, but have been a member of NA for a while now. Same user name btw. Anyways, I know this may be a newb question to most on here but please bear with me.

I've followed the directions on the Rom Laboratory to delete headers and split the .nes file. If you aren't familiar with the walkthrough, it has you delete the header using HEX, then split the .nes file using Total Commander. I've done all these steps successfully and in the end you get two bin files. One is 001 and the other is 002. My question is are either one of these files okay to use as the PRG and CHR or do I have to use 001 for prg and 002 for chr. Does this matter? Thanks in advance. I don't want to solder everything and find out it's wrong.

PS I've tried using tniNES and I like total commander better so far. It seems easier. I welcome recommendations as well.

by on (#86436)
I'm not familiar with the tool, so I can't say for sure if 001 is PRG and 002 is CHR, but they are definitely DIFFERENT. You can't just swap the PRG and CHR memories, it would be somewhat analogous to swapping the audio and video cables on your TV, you'll just end up with garbage.

Depending what game you're making you may be able to easily verify which .bin is which based on size. IE NROM PRG is 16KB or 32KB, while NROM CHR is 8KB.

by on (#86453)
infiniteneslives wrote:
I'm not familiar with the tool, so I can't say for sure if 001 is PRG and 002 is CHR, but they are definitely DIFFERENT. You can't just swap the PRG and CHR memories, it would be somewhat analogous to swapping the audio and video cables on your TV, you'll just end up with garbage.

Depending what game you're making you may be able to easily verify which .bin is which based on size. IE NROM PRG is 16KB or 32KB, while NROM CHR is 8KB.

I'm trying to do Earthbound zero. It's a 512kb size after the header is taken off. Then it's split into two 256kb size files. With both the same size I wouldn't be able to tell. I may try emailing person that compiled the tutorial.

by on (#86455)
The first 256KB will be program, the other 256KB character.

NE files data goes 512-byte trainer, program, character data. All in a row.

by on (#86456)
Have you tried opening the files in a tile editor? The one with discernible tiles will be the CHR and the one with a garbled mess will be the PRG.

by on (#86460)
I don't have any tile editing software to check the files. Is there any recommended free out there?

by on (#86461)

by on (#86467)
Great! That yy program will be a big help in the future! You all have been a great help. Thank you

by on (#86469)
If you want you can try my tool ReadNES2, it should work. I need to rewrite it but just need to find a day to do so. But it will work for pretty much any standard ROM you throw at it. :)

If you need help using it send my a private message, I'll explain better there.