I'm trying to use my arduino to send bytes to the nes through the joypad port.
how would I write the button states to an 8 bit value on each strobe?
I'm basically trying to perform the nes asm equivalent of arduino's bitWrite command.
Sorry if it's a stupid question, thanks in advance!
To set bits, use ORA:
lda somevalue
ora #%00100100 ;sets bits 5 and 2, leaves the rest alone
sta somevalue
To clear bits, use AND:
lda somevalue
and #%11011011 ;clears bits 5 and 2, leaves the rest alone
sta somevalue
To toggle bits, use EOR:
lda somevalue
eor #%00100100 ;clears bits 5 and 2 if they were set, and vice versa
sta somevalue ;and leaves the rest alone
Alternatively, you could LDA the bit and AND/ORA/EOR the memory location. It's up to you.
^ Good explanation!
And here's a link on how to read the controllers. I'd say the easiest way to read them would be to shift the $4016 register after resetting it, then shift a, after 7 more times, A will have the controllers status inside it then you just store it in RAM and RTS to your main program, assuming your controller read is a subroutine, Since it should be.
Here's a site that has the buttons for each bit value.
Thanks Doppelganger/65024U !
Working a treat
And for my next trick, how to check individual bits of a byte that aren't bits 7 or 6 with the BIT instruction.
lda %00100100 ;branches if either bit 5 or 2 are set
bit somevalue
bne somewhere
doppelganger wrote:
And for my next trick, how to check individual bits of a byte that aren't bits 7 or 6 with the BIT instruction.
lda %00100100 ;branches if either bit 5 or 2 are set
bit somevalue
bne somewhere
Using BIT here doesn't really have any benefits over using AND, unless the mask (%00100100) happens to be some magic value that can be reused later in the code (and even then, the benefit is negligible).
BIT is more useful (sometimes) when the value you're testing is in A and you don't want to modify it, like this:
LDA somevalue
BIT #%00100100
BNE somewhere
In fact, AFAIK that's the only difference between BIT and AND - AND stores the result in A, wiping out the original value. If the result of the AND is 0 during a BIT instruction, then the Z flag is set. Also, outside of immediate addressing, BIT will also copy bit 7 into the N flag and bit 6 into the V flag, so it's an easy way to branch based on whether either bit is set.
BIT # works only on CMOS chips, such as those in the Lynx, TG16, Super NES, Apple IIc and IIGS, and late Apple IIe. On the original 6502, seen in Atari 2600/5200/7800, Commodore 64, Apple II/II+/III/IIe, and NES, BIT # is a 2-byte no-op.
My bad, I should have known that being a C64 guy. Looks like I'm getting a little rusty
I found this a few weeks ago and thought it was pretty cool; if you want to take two bytes, A and B, and create a byte C where C has bits from A and bits from B, here's how you do it:
LDA byteA
EOR byteB
AND #(for each bit, 1 means a bit from A, 0 means a bit from B)
EOR byteB
This is a little better than how you'd do it otherwise:
LDA byteA
AND #(the bits you want to keep)
STA temp
LDA byteB
AND #(the bits you want to keep)
ORA temp
I found this trick when looking up stuff for the ZX Spectrum, and this was pretty common to do on the z80.
And in fact, the trick is one of the first things you come across when you disassemble the Monitor ROM of the Apple II.
I wonder if the terminator used that trick...
You'd have to look at
Key Perfect, as that appears to be part of the hash table implementation used on the 6502-compatible microcontroller that runs Arnie's medium-term memory. In Key Perfect, each 50-byte record (or 80-byte? Sites are inconsistent on this) gets a 16-bit hash code.