Heosphoros (pouet) - background

This is an archive of a topic from NESdev BBS, taken in mid-October 2019 before a server upgrade.
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Heosphoros (pouet) - background
by on (#48580)

I am curious about the effect of using many background tiles. How can I manage to do that. I assume I depends on scanline, but can sb describe me how to?

I would like also to see a demo/game using four-screen.

Thank you.

by on (#48583)
The Embered Recollections rom uses three 4k chr banks per image and switches them mid-frame with help of the MMC3 scanline counter.
It's an awful waste of chr space (compared to what NES games used back in the day), but it works for demo type projects I guess.

by on (#48586)
miau wrote:
The Embered Recollections rom uses three 4k chr banks per image and switches them mid-frame with help of the MMC3 scanline counter.
It's an awful waste of chr space (compared to what NES games used back in the day), but it works for demo type projects I guess.

To do that, I have to switch CHR bank and nametable before the scanline will come?

by on (#48604)
You don't need to switch the nametable, it can easily represent both CHR banks unless you had some other effects in mind (having the same nametables but different attribute tables, for example).