If you are not using the standard Width x Height format, please say so. I also thought it was the opposite.
Well, this kind of stuff always confuses me.
If one palette entry could be updated every hblank, and one wouldn't mind having 8 blank scanlines between the game window and the text box, it would be possible to set the palettes without visible glitches.
Even one single palette entry cannot be updated just during HBlank. I tried it in my windowbox demo a while ago, while Memblers tested it on hardware.
A better idea would be to have the grayscale bit set for the whole textbox vertically, so that only the palette's luminosity would be limited for the rest of the screen, but not the color itself.
You'd always have something like :
Palette 0 : Black, Any Dark Color ($0x), Any Light Color, Any Light Color ($2x or $3x)
Palette 1 : Black, Any Light Color, Any Dark Color, Any Light Color
Palette 2 : Black, Wathever, whathever, wathever
Palette 3 : Black, Wathever, whathever, wathever
Then you can use Palette 0 for even couple of lines (or for the left side of the screen) of your VWF, and Palette 1 for odd couple of lines (or for the right part of the screen) and have the grayscale bit set for all the VWF part, so that color is always $00 and $20/$30 (wich makes no difference), so you get white text on grey box OR grey text on white box. Color emphasis would get some color if it really looks too bad in grey. I guess this would be a reasonable way to do things, since you need some dark colors and light colors in the same palette anyway if you want any chance of doing good graphics. And you don't have to deal with complex $2006/$2007 writes.
The only real con is that you're forced to have the VWF box taking the whole screen in width.