I'm doing a 16x16 font routine, which itself works well.
However, I was thinking of offsetting the letters in vertical direction with changing $2006 address:
This doesn't work as I expected. The text itself doesn't move, but zeroes appear from the bottom of the screen (because my chr #0 is "0").
How do I offset the writes to the nametable properly, or do I have to use scrolling?
However, I was thinking of offsetting the letters in vertical direction with changing $2006 address:
lda #$20
sta $2006
lda #$40
sta $2006
... writes to $2007 etc.
sta $2006
lda #$40
sta $2006
... writes to $2007 etc.
This doesn't work as I expected. The text itself doesn't move, but zeroes appear from the bottom of the screen (because my chr #0 is "0").
How do I offset the writes to the nametable properly, or do I have to use scrolling?