The best way to jump (JMP or JSR) to a pointer?

This is an archive of a topic from NESdev BBS, taken in mid-October 2019 before a server upgrade.
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The best way to jump (JMP or JSR) to a pointer?
by on (#238390)
Hello my fellow nesdevers,

What is the best way to jump to an address held by a pointer?

The way I have it set up right now is that each of my gameobjects (16bytes each) that are held in a list in ram have their own update routine I call once during the NMI.
I could have just one ID byte for each gameobject and go through it like one big switch statement.

like this:

;; GameObject in ram:
.db #ID, ,,,,other values

;;;; When i want to update a gameobject:
;X holds ID
BNE .NotPlayer
JSR PlayerUpdateRoutine
BNE .NotEnemy
JSR EnemyUpdateRoutine
;; And so on.

I want to avoid this cause if the Gameobject happens to be on the bottom of the list it would waste allot of time.
Instead I was thinking about this:
;; GameObject in ram:
.db #ID,BehaviourAdrresLow,BehaviourAdrresHigh, ,,,,other values

;; Then in the update code I want to  jump to the address that is held in that piece of ram
;; This would also allow to easily swap behaviors if so desired.

What is the best way to do this?
At the moment I'm doing it like this:

;; in ram:
GeneralOpcode .rs 1
GeneralPtr .rs 2
GeneralOpcode2 .rs 1

LDA #$20
STA GeneralOpcode ;; store the JSR opcode
LDA #$60
STA GeneralOpcode2 ;;Store the RTS opcode

   LDA $0500,y ;;holds the BehaviourAdrresLow
   STA GeneralPtr
   LDA $0500,y ;;BehaviourAdrresHigh
   STA GeneralPtr + 1

       ;;Store the returnadress on the stack
   LDA #High(ReturnLabel - 1)
   LDA #low(ReturnLabel - 1)
        JMP GeneralOpcode

;; rest of program

It works and I'm very happy it does but surely there must be a better way?

Thanks in advance!
Re: The best way to jump (JMP or JSR) to a pointer?
by on (#238392)
For how to call a function through a function pointer, see Jump table and RTS Trick in the wiki.
Re: The best way to jump (JMP or JSR) to a pointer?
by on (#238394)
Your current solution looks a little too convoluted, with code in RAM and all... The idea is correct, but you can achieve the exact same effect in a much simpler way:

  lda $0500, y
  sta GeneralPtr+0
  lda $0500+1, y ;no need to INY since the base address is absolute
  sta GeneralPtr+1
  jsr JumpToGeneralPtr ;this allows you to RTS here


  ;anywhere else in ROM:

  jmp (GeneralPtr)

A JSR to an indirect JMP simulates an indirect JSR, which the 6502 doesn't have. This is good if the update addresses are static (never change during the course of an object's life), but if it does, the RTS trick would be a better solution, because you can get a new RTSable address from the game logic itself just by JSRing to a location that'll get the address from the stack and save it in the object's memory. Something like this:

 jsr CallObjectUpdate ;create a return point


  ;somewhere else in ROM:

  lda $0500, y
  lda $0500+1, y

And to modify the update address to the current location, and object can simply do:

  jsr ChangeObjectUpdate


  ;somewhere else in ROM:

  sta $0500+1, y
  sta $0500, y
  rts ;return to where the object was called

If you don't need to change the update address, just RTS directly instead of calling ChangeObjectUpdate.

I like this dynamic approach to the object routines a lot, mostly because it makes state transitions easy, because you don't need a lot of code to sort out what an object is doing, the code that handles the current state is called directly. This also saves a bit of ROM and logic because you don't need separate "Initialize" and "Update" jump lists for the objects, you just need each object's initialization address, and the object itself takes care of maintaining its update address.
Re: The best way to jump (JMP or JSR) to a pointer?
by on (#238398)
That's so clever.
I knew there was a better way.

I knew about indirect jumping and tried it but didn't seem to work.
Apparently nesasm uses [] instead of () :oops:

Anyway thanks for the quick reply! :)
Re: The best way to jump (JMP or JSR) to a pointer?
by on (#238400)
tepples wrote:
For how to call a function through a function pointer, see Jump table and RTS Trick in the wiki.

If you can afford dedicating 3 bytes of RAM to a springboard, and have fewer than 86 jump targets, have a page-aligned table of JMP instructions to each target, and a region of RAM that always holds $4C / target / JumpTableMSB. Then if X holds an object type, the code would be:
    lda objectProcs,x
    sta springboard+1
    jsr springboard

where objectProcs is a table holding the low-order bytes of the jump targets within the table. The extra three cycles for a jmp at the destination will be cheaper than the cost of having to set up both bytes of the destination pointer, and in many cases one could eliminate that cost if one includes a few small routines directly within the jump table, e.g.

    inc frameCount
    jmp doTypicalThing1
    jmp doTypicalThing2
    ... code for timeCriticalThing goes here

Have the NMI vector point to a patchable JMP instruction in RAM, which will always point to something within a particular 256-byte page in ROM. Using this approach can shave a few precious cycles off the critical path, since one can eliminate the need to do any conditional tests before doing the time critical thing.
Re: The best way to jump (JMP or JSR) to a pointer?
by on (#238402)
supercat wrote:
tepples wrote:
For how to call a function through a function pointer, see Jump table and RTS Trick in the wiki.

If you can afford dedicating 3 bytes of RAM to a springboard, and have fewer than 86 jump targets, have a page-aligned table of JMP instructions to each target, and a region of RAM that always holds $4C / target / JumpTableMSB. Then if X holds an object type, the code would be:
    lda objectProcs,x
    sta springboard+1
    jsr springboard

where objectProcs is a table holding the low-order bytes of the jump targets within the table. The extra three cycles for a jmp at the destination will be cheaper than the cost of having to set up both bytes of the destination pointer, and in many cases one could eliminate that cost if one includes a few small routines directly within the jump table, e.g.

    inc frameCount
    jmp doTypicalThing1
    jmp doTypicalThing2
    ... code for timeCriticalThing goes here

Have the NMI vector point to a patchable JMP instruction in RAM, which will always point to something within a particular 256-byte page in ROM. Using this approach can shave a few precious cycles off the critical path, since one can eliminate the need to do any conditional tests before doing the time critical thing.

Oh wow that even more clever.
Not gonna lie, every time I ask for help here I feel a little dumb afterwards. :lol: