How to keep game running while debugger is open i Mesen?

This is an archive of a topic from NESdev BBS, taken in mid-October 2019 before a server upgrade.
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How to keep game running while debugger is open i Mesen?
by on (#224828)
This is a question very specific to the Mesen emulator. I really like its debugging tool so far, but I have a dumb little problem with it which I can't seem to solve.

After opening the debug window, I'm unable to resume play in the game window. If I press Continue, it just runs one frame and then pauses/breaks. I don't have any breakpoints anywhere, and I've disabled everything under Break Options. Pause when in debugging tools in the preferences is also disabled. It always breaks on the same instruction, too, an
lda #$00
early in nmi, part of the controller latch write routine.

Is this by design, or a bug in Mesen, or have I just missed a setting somewhere?
Re: How to keep game running while debugger is open i Mesen?
by on (#224830)
That's odd - if all the break options are disabled & you have no breakpoints, there should be more or less nothing that should make the debugger break, normally.

Do you get the same behavior in any game, or just this one specific rom?
Re: How to keep game running while debugger is open i Mesen?
by on (#224832)
No this was exclusively a problem with my own homebrew rom.

However, for some inexplicable reason, the problem stopped occurring after clearing/disabling auto-import of labels, and the enabling them again. I.... have no idea why, but problem solved I guess, so sorry for bothering y'all. Only reason I thought of trying that was after seeing that it didn't happen with other roms, though, so thanks for reminding me to check that. :wink:
Re: How to keep game running while debugger is open i Mesen?
by on (#224834)
No problem - if you get the same issue again, let me know and I'll try to figure out the cause.