Need help removing demo mode from a ROM

This is an archive of a topic from NESdev BBS, taken in mid-October 2019 before a server upgrade.
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Need help removing demo mode from a ROM
by on (#207554)
Hi there!

Does anyone know of a way to remove/turn off the demo mode (triggers from main menu and demos gameplay) from a ROM--specifically Castlevania 1?

Many thanks!
Re: Need help removing demo mode from a ROM
by on (#207558)
Sure, here's a patch for Castlevania PRG 1.

Why, though? :lol:

Edit: Oh, you're the fiancé hack person. Just in case you're working from some modified ROM where this wouldn't work, the demo is triggered when $001E in RAM reaches zero on the title screen. When $001E is not zero, it branches to code at $B858. So I replaced the code that decrements $001E and the branch with a jmp to $B858. The jump means it ALWAYS goes where the game normally only goes if the counter is not zero. So the code that runs when the counter would reach zero in the real game (the demo stuff) never runs. Good luck!

And let me know if there are any problems with it, I spent like... five minutes on it.

Edit2: Oh, you can do it with a one byte change. $B858 is an RTS, so you can just change the opcode for dec $001E to $60. Oh well, I'm not uploading a new patch. :P