Improved "Haunted Hills of Wentworth": Need some help.

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Improved "Haunted Hills of Wentworth": Need some help.
by on (#196522)
I decided the other day to finish my remake of the game Haunted Hills of Wentworth. In principle, is a pretty good game. Only there are some things I would like to fix, but I can't. :cry: For example, the behavior of some enemies and the density of the solid and damaging blocks. Oh, and remap buttons A and B. :roll:
Beta version of improved hack:
rom.rar [17.97 KiB]
Downloaded 110 times
Re: Improved "Haunted Hills of Wentworth": Need some help.
by on (#196615)
8 downloads, 0 replies... That's bad. :(
Re: Improved "Haunted Hills of Wentworth": Need some help.
by on (#196626)
I guess you're looking for feedback?

The graphics look really nice.

The physics need a lot of work. The weird slow float jumps are really off-putting, and something is really wonky with hit-detection (sometimes enemies die when I shoot 3 tiles above their head. Once I died randomly without seeming to hit anything).

I didn't understand why there was another clone of my character standing at a door near the beginning that just sortof hopped up a little bit when I reached her.

Looking forward to seeing an updated version with smoother physics!
Re: Improved "Haunted Hills of Wentworth": Need some help.
by on (#196645)
I'm not so much reviews want much help. I have not so good knowledge of code, to put it mildly. I would appreciate it if I helped with physics, enemy behavior and properties of blocks and helped limit their number on the screen that the game is not slowed down. :)
Re: Improved "Haunted Hills of Wentworth": Need some help.
by on (#196651)
Let me get this straight: this is hack, not a homebrew, right? The Action 52 games are notoriously glitchy, and you can't simply make bad physics and collision detection good, those systems are badly designed at the core. If you want the game to be good, you'd be better off coding it from the ground up in a way that doesn't suck. The graphics are cool, and it looks like this could be a good game if it wasn't so glitchy and slow.
Re: Improved "Haunted Hills of Wentworth": Need some help.
by on (#196652)
tokumaru wrote:
Let me get this straight: this is hack, not a homebrew, right? The Action 52 games are notoriously glitchy, and you can't simply make bad physics and collision detection good, those systems are badly designed at the core. If you want the game to be good, you'd be better off coding it from the ground up in a way that doesn't suck. The graphics are cool, and it looks like this could be a good game if it wasn't so glitchy and slow.

Perhaps this is what I can do is transfer the graphics and change the level design. In fact, I have ideas for other games that also need improvement. :)
P. S. Wizards killed from this way because I had to move the sprites to standing normally on solid blocks, not hanging in the air like in original game.