;NES Programming Tutorial
;Level 2 : iNES Header
;iNES header data (16bytes)
;32KB PRG + 8KB CHR + NROM-256 + Vertical Mirroring
.db $4E,$45,$53,$1A,$02,$01,$01,$00
.db $00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00
;PRG codes $8000 ~ $FFFF (32KB)
.base $8000
;user codes
.pad $10000,$FF
;CHR data $0000 ~ $1FFF (8KB)
.base $0000
;graphic data
.pad $2000,$FF
;Level 2 : iNES Header
;iNES header data (16bytes)
;32KB PRG + 8KB CHR + NROM-256 + Vertical Mirroring
.db $4E,$45,$53,$1A,$02,$01,$01,$00
.db $00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00
;PRG codes $8000 ~ $FFFF (32KB)
.base $8000
;user codes
.pad $10000,$FF
;CHR data $0000 ~ $1FFF (8KB)
.base $0000
;graphic data
.pad $2000,$FF
Explanation :
* The first 16KB of a nes game is header info which is used just by emulators to run the game. It gives information about PRG size, CHR size, Mapper number, Mirroring, etc.
* I setup the header to : 32KB PRG + 8KB CHR + NROM-256 + Vertical Mirroring.
* Need more info about iNES header? then read this : INES
* lines starting with . are directive commands of assembler
* .db puts a value in the file directly.
* .base $8000 is another directive command. It tells the assembler that the following commands will be loaded into $8000 of CPU. So labels addresses are adjusted according to $8000
* .pad $10000,$FF is another directive command. It fills the remaining empty space of memory up to $10000 with the value of #$FF
* We need an assembler (ASM6) to convert the source code of assembly language (Game.asm) to object code of machine language (Game.nes) so that you can run it on Emulator
How to use ASM6 :
* Download ASM6
* Make a new text file
* Write this inside of it :
ASM6 Game.asm Game.nes
* Save it with this name : Assembler.bat
* Make sure these files are in the same folder :
* Run Assembler.bat to make your FIRST NES GAME!
How to use Hex Editor :
* Sometimes we need to see the exact values of 0 and 1 inside of a file (object code of machine language), so we use a Hex Editor program like HxD
* Download HxD
* Open Game.NES with HxD
* You can see the header data on the first line, they should match to the values which you used inside of the Game.asm
* Note that values are in Hexadecimal system
* Each value is one byte
* Each byte has it's own address
* Their address starts from zero, so first byte is in the $0 address second byte is in the $01 address, and so on
Exercise :
Find out which byte of iNES data controls Mirroring and then set it to Horizontal (Vertical Arrangement).
Files :
Former Level : NES Programming Tutorial : Source Code Structure
Next Level : NES Programming Tutorial : Interrupts