Wondering if someone can help me with SFX.
I'm using FamiTone2 to play SFX in my game. SFX work fine when played in the first channel but when trying to play it in any other channel, I get a 'ting' sound (attached).
Here's the code I'm using to play the Hit SFX in the second channel:
And settings for FamiTone2:
Any help is appreciated. Thanks!
I'm using FamiTone2 to play SFX in my game. SFX work fine when played in the first channel but when trying to play it in any other channel, I get a 'ting' sound (attached).
Here's the code I'm using to play the Hit SFX in the second channel:
LDX #$01
JSR FamiToneSfxPlay
LDX #$01
JSR FamiToneSfxPlay
And settings for FamiTone2:
FT_BASE_ADR = $0300 ;page in the RAM used for FT2 variables, should be $xx00
FT_TEMP = $00 ;3 bytes in zeropage used by the library as a scratchpad
FT_DPCM_OFF = $C000 ;$c000..$ffc0, 64-byte steps
FT_SFX_STREAMS = 4 ;number of sound effects played at once, 1..4
FT_DPCM_ENABLE ;undefine to exclude all DMC code
FT_SFX_ENABLE ;undefine to exclude all sound effects code
FT_THREAD ;undefine if you are calling sound effects from the same thread as the sound update call
FT_PAL_SUPPORT ;undefine to exclude PAL support
FT_NTSC_SUPPORT ;undefine to exclude NTSC support
FT_TEMP = $00 ;3 bytes in zeropage used by the library as a scratchpad
FT_DPCM_OFF = $C000 ;$c000..$ffc0, 64-byte steps
FT_SFX_STREAMS = 4 ;number of sound effects played at once, 1..4
FT_DPCM_ENABLE ;undefine to exclude all DMC code
FT_SFX_ENABLE ;undefine to exclude all sound effects code
FT_THREAD ;undefine if you are calling sound effects from the same thread as the sound update call
FT_PAL_SUPPORT ;undefine to exclude PAL support
FT_NTSC_SUPPORT ;undefine to exclude NTSC support
Any help is appreciated. Thanks!