Super Mario Bros3

This is an archive of a topic from NESdev BBS, taken in mid-October 2019 before a server upgrade.
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Super Mario Bros3
by on (#160196)

I'm quite newbie to nesdev forum and in development in general.
I'm trying to understand how super mario bros 3 collision works. Right now I'm using fceux hexedit to see RAM and ROM.

My previous thoughts was collision map was embedded in the map info starting at 0x6000. But this seems not to be correct or something is missing.
In world 1-1, one of the first boxes you can jump (address 0x6303) has the hex value 0xE3.
In world 1-castle (not the ship one), the solid silver tiles are 0xE4. If I change it to 0XE3 if mario touches it, is killed.

So obviously, the values does not mean the same thing. Is there any other table/address I should look at?

thank you very much!
Re: Super Mario Bros3
by on (#160240)
I dunno if anyone here would know offhand, but there is a lot of information at Romhacking.Net